Question: Can eating brown lettuce make you sick

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  1. Dear Warehead; I want to clarify the term ‘brown lettuce’ first. There are ‘all green lettuce’ and ‘(natural) brown lettuce’ by its kinds. Koreans eat the brown lettuce a lot to go with Korean meat dishes such as ‘Bulgogi’ or ‘Samgupsal’. I can guarantee the (natural) brown lettuce is healthy food, delicious and safe.

    However another ‘brown lettuce’ I found in the internet is the rotten or molded and turned to brown by oxidation, thus not fresh lettuce. Whether eating this brown lettuce will make you sick or not depends on how much you eat, and what is your health condition, etc. If your question is about the ‘(turned to) brwon lettuce’, it is best not to take chance. It won’t taste good either.

