Question: why is science so important?


  1. Science is important because it’s the best (some might say only) method we have for determining the truth about how the world works. Science lets us answer questions like ‘how does gravity work’ in a way that everyone can use and benefit from, because no matter who asks the question science will give the same answer (in the long run, but that’s a complication I’ll gloss over here!). Science is the basis for all of the technology we’ve created, it’s responsible for our health care, and it gives us endless hours of entertainment and enlightenment. In short, science is one of the best things to ever happen to humanity!


  2. Science has a very broad meaning, may be divided into natural science and pure science. Pure science include religion, art, philosophy, politics and many others. Natural science include biology, chemistry, physics, IT and technology, etc. Science is a way of logical thinking. What we are talking about here and now is natural science. Science itself is neutral just like a tool. It can make our life better and more productive if used in good way. Or it can make us very miserable and destroy the whole world. It is just like a knife(surgical) in the hands of a doctor can save a patient but in the hands of a thief can kill the innocent person. That is why science is important and scientists have to have sound mind and clear conscience and morally upright. I am glad you asked this important question.


  3. without science, you would probably still live like a caveman. No warm house, not hot showers, no clean water, no TV/ipod/laptop. You would probably die young from a disease or infection, lots of women would die during childbirth….no supermarkets full of chocolates and cakes that last for months….

    I think you get the idea. Almost everything you do, you see, you taste, you experience in a day is due to science in some form or another


  4. Science is important because it allows us to find out how the world works. If you have questions about anything around you chances are you, or someone will use science or a technology that science has helped to develop to answer that question. Science is also pretty cool because no matter how many times you ask a question and do a test you will get the same answer. Its responsible for helping to keep us healthy, keep us fed, keep us entertained….there’s not much in life that science doesn’t play a hand in. So I reckon that makes science pretty important!

