Question: How do you explain time?


  1. Time is something we as humans have set based on day and night cycle (sun comes up, goes down and comes up again), and also on how long it takes for the earth to circle the sun (1 year)!

    I think people have always liked to be in control and measure things, so they’ve come up with a calender based on the cycle of the moon many years ago. It’s people who came up with the word and definition of time, I don’t think nature cares much if it’s the year 1895 or 2146. Nature only relies on temperature changes and light exposure as an indicator of time of year or season.

    Also the fact that we get older and eventually die has nothing to do with time. Well, we humans found there is a correlation with a certain amount of time and dying, but it’s the body itself that slowly builds up damage and eventually shuts down and dies.


  2. Dear Sarahb; When we talk about time, we immediately bring up the hour, min and sec. Among these, the second is the international unit of time, and is defined in terms of radiation emitted by cesium atoms.Thus, time has something to do with physics.

    Time is very important factor in the science. While I measure enzyme activity, I used to express it in terms of time; how many moles of substrate is converted to product per min. It was expressed in min. instead of second. Horse power(HP) is also expressed in min.

    Speed or velociity is expressed in terms of time also. When we compare the speed of a zet-plane and an air plane, the distance travelled by the two in a given time has to be compared. Thus the velocity of a plane is defined as ~km/hour.

    A bigger unit of time is used to describe age. We count our ages in years, not by days or months. The average life span is several years longer for women than men. Do you know an insect called a ‘dayfly’?
    Its life span is only a day!

    Have you heard of a light-year? A light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year. It is often used to measure distances to stars and other distances on a galactic scale,

    There is time difference between Australia and Korea; Australia has 1 hour ahead of Korea. Korea is 3 hours and 15 min ahead of Nepal. It is interesting, isn’t it?

