Question: what is the most weirdest thing you have ever found?

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  1. the craziest thing I’ve ever seen related to my work was when I did an autopsy on a body and found all the organs were swapped from left to right and the other way around! So if a docter would have wanted to listen to the poor man’s heart when he was still alive, he would have not heard a heart beat on the left! And I’ve once dissected a mouse and also found the organs were swapped from left to right…..bizare!


  2. Possibly one of the weirdest things to happen to me at work was I tripped over a leg one day! In a lab I worked in if a patient had a limb amputated it was normally sent to the incinerator at that hospital, but it was out of order so it came through our lab to be sent to our histopathology lab for disposal. No-one told me it was propped against the wall and I tripped over it because I was talking to someon while I was walking – was very strange when I saw what I’d tripped on!

    In a patients blood sample the strangest thing I have seen is a tropical parasite called leishmaniasis. It looks like a worm in a person’s blood. I saw it a few times while I was a uni in samples coming from Papua New Guinea. It can cause a lot of symptoms in a person, ranging from respiratory illnesses if it migrates to the lungs, skin sores and fevers and vomiting.


  3. Dear Olive; I was employed first time in 1983 as a professor, at a university in Korea(not in Seoul). I was terribly discriminated because I am a woman. Isn’t it weird? if not weirdest?

    As time passing things changed and I became a dean and did my duty very well which led me to take other important positions. To look back, Korea changed a lot in last 30 years.


  4. The weirdest thing I ever found wasn’t actually part of my job, but was when I was running around the paddock next to our university, helping to chase off some stray dogs that had gotten in amongst the lambing sheep. We’d managed to chase off the dogs, and in a clump of really tall grass, we found a two-headed lamb! The heads were joined together at the sides, a little bit behind the eyes, so it had 4 eyes, 4 ears, two noses, two mouths! Unfortunately it didn’t survive, but it was very interesting.

    Can you think of a reason why the lamb had two heads? Can you think of reasons why it might not have been able to survive?


  5. I’m afraid that I can’t really compete with swapped organs, tripping over a leg, or a two-headed lamb! I’m afraid that the weirdest thing I’ve found was growing in the mini-fridge in my old lab. It was the sort of fridge where leftovers went to die, and someone’s curry had turned into a mold colony that had burst through the wrapping and decided to conquer the fridge. It was so bad that we eventually had to throw the whole thing away.

    Sadly, you’d think that we’d have learned our lesson from that experience. But if you ever get to know grad students, you’ll not be surprised to learn that we didn’t. šŸ™‚

