Question: what sort of breakfast do you propose to eat?


  1. I don’t normally give dietary advice to people, I look at how their body reacts to certain nutrients. It is hard to say “everyone should eat this for breakfast”, because everyone is different. We all have different energy needs, food allergies, things we do and don’t like, even religion can dictate what we can and can’t eat!

    Generally, I try to make breakfast my largest meal of the day, so that I have lots of energy to burn while I’m at university. Sometimes it is as simple as toast with some avocado and lemon juice, or a bowl of homemade muesli with sheep yoghurt and fruit. On weekends, when I have more time to cook, we eat toast with eggs, avocado, spinach, mushrooms, anything we feel like eating.

    The key is that it is balanced. I try to eat lots of veges, some protein, and some complex carbohydrates for breakfast. I don’t eat Coco pops or other sweet cereals because they are high in sugar, and I feel very hungry again a few hours later.

    The most important thing is that you actually eat breakfast! If you think about how long it is between when you have dinner, and when you get up in the morning, it’s quite a long time without food. Your body needs some energy first thing in the morning to help you get up and go. Eating breakfast will help you concentrate better, feel more energetic, and help keep you healthy.

